1. Grab a coin like this and close your other hand like this making a little hole in it. See pictures below.
2 & 3. Act like you’re trying to push the coin through the top of your closed hand. Then push it to hide it behind your fingers.
4 & 5. Here’s the view at the back. When you push the coin through, you lay it down on top of your left hand and slowly push it using your right hand thumb inside the hole of your closed hand. Be careful though it might slip away.
6 & 7. When it’s already in the hole of your hand, just move your left hand to fully insert it.
8 & 9. Then slowly uncover the top of your left hand. TIP: (you have to do the move while acting like you’re inserting the coin through your hand, your right hand’s fingers will help you conceal the move). This would make it look like you’re not doing anything suspicious. Just show him the coin when you’re done.